Dr. Qazi Imtiaz Majid
Senior Consultant
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Dr. Qazi Imtiaz Majid
Senior Consultant
Dr. QaziImtiaz Majid, a renowned ENT and Head and Neck Surgeon, specializes in Rhinoplasty and Facial Cosmetic Surgery. With fellowships in Facial Cosmetic Dermatology from Istanbul and Rhinology from Northern Ireland, he boasts over 25 years of experience and has performed more than 2,500 Rhinoplasties worldwide. Dr. Majid also excels in Botox, Fillers, Thread Lifts, Facial Rejuvenation, PRP, and Mesotherapy. Known for his precision and transformative results, Dr. Qazim is a trusted expert in cosmetic surgery.
- MS (ENT)
Additional Qualification
- Fellowship in Rhinology, Omagh, Northern Ireland, UK
- Fellowship in Facial Cosmetic Dermatology, Istanbul, Turkey
- Fellow of the International College of Surgeons, Chicago, Illinois, USA (2002)
- Fellow of the Middle East Academy of Otolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery (2017)
- Author of "Handbook of ENT Surgery," Paras Medical Publishers, Hyderabad, India
- Contributed a chapter on "Epistaxis" in "ENT Emergencies," Kuwait
- Contributed chapters to the "Text Book of Ear, Nose & Throat Diseases, 12th Edition," Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers, New Delhi, India
- Former Exam Committee Chair (Chief Examiner) at Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization, Kuwait Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery Board (Feb 2013 - Jan 2017), affiliated with the Royal College of Surgeons of Canada
- Former Clinical Instructor & Tutor at Kuwait Institute for Medical Specialization, Kuwait Board of Otorhinolaryngology, Head & Neck Surgery (2012 - 2021)
- Former Undergraduate Clinical Instructor and Tutor, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University (2013 - 2020)
- Performs routine and emergency ENT and Head & Neck surgeries except Cochlear Implants, with special interest and expertise in Rhinoplasty and Facial Aesthetic procedures.
Work Experiences
- Specialist: JawaharLal Nehru Memorial Hospital, Rainawari, Srinagar, Kashmir, India
- Specialist & Head: Department of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery, Armed Forces Hospital Programme, Ministry of Defense & Civil Aviation, Najran, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Specialist: Department of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery, King Abdul Aziz University Hospital, College of Medicine, King Saud University, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Associate Consultant (Locum): Department of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery, King Fahad Medical City, Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
- Consultant: Department of ENT, Head & Neck Surgery, Zain & Al Sabah Hospitals, Ministry of Health, Kuwait
- Consultant: Department of ENT, Head & Neck and Facial Plastic Surgery, Star Hospital and Noora Hospital, Srinagar, Kashmir
Workshops and Courses
- Guest faculty at ISFAROCON 2023, deliiered talk and mentored delegetes on Facial Aesthetc procedures (hands on)
- Guest faculty at Post graduate insttute of Medical educaton and research, Chandigarh, India ... RHINOCON 2012,2016,2018. eliiered talks and performed liie surgery Rhinoplasty) on each occasion
- Guest faculty at Goiernment Medical College, Srinagar ... NWZCON 2013 ( eliiered a talk and Performed liie surgery ... Rhinoplasty)
- Guest Faculty at Police Hospital, Srinagar .... 2015 (performed liie Rhinoplasty)
- Guest faculty at Goiernment medical college, Amritsar ...RHINOCON 2017 (deliiered keynote address, performed liie Rhinoplasty)
- Guest Faculty at Forts Hospital, Mohali ... RHINOCON 2019 (deliiered key note address, performed liie rhinoplasty)
- Guest faculty at Goiernment Medical College, Rajouri ... NAVICON 2022 (performed liie surgery –Naiigaton assisted FESS
- Faculty at (Conducted and tutored) the 1st Kuwait FESS Course (May 2013)
- Faculty at the Second Riyadh FESS course at the King Abdul Aziz Uniiersity Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia (Noi 2005)
- Course in Functonal Endoscopic Sinus Surgery at the Tyrone County Hospital, Omagh, U.K. (April 2002)
- Course in Rhinoplasty at the king Abdul Aziz Uniiersity Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia,( ec 2005)
- Temporal Bone issecton Course at the king Abdul Aziz uniiersity Hospital, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia conducted in associaton with the House Ear Insttute, USA (April 2005)
- Adianced Rhinoplasty course, Kuwait (Oct 2007)
- FESS and Rhino septoplasty workshop, Kuwait (Jan 2008)
- Otology workshop, Kuwait (March 2008)
- Early detecton of Head & Neck Cancer Workshop, Kuwait (June 2012)
- Workshop on Snoring and OSA, Kuwait (Oct 2009)
- Pediatric Otolaryngology Workshop, Kuwait (Jan 2010)
- Clinico-Pathological Study of Oral Ulcers’ in Kashmiri Populaton. Current Med Practce. Vol. 36; July1992 190-19
- Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma in Children .JK-Science Vol. 1, No. 2, April-June 1999
- Acute epiglottst a retrospectie reiiew of 47 patents in Kuwait. Indian j Otolaryngol, H&N Surg; Oct- ec 2009,61t301-305
- An eialuaton of the role of pre-operatie coagulaton screening for adenotonsillectomy A retrospectie reiiew of 2038 cases. IJP , Jan-Feb 2013, Vol.8(1),36-40
- An atypical presentaton of a respiratory epithelial adenomatoid hamartoma, a case report, Ann Med Surg. 2019 Oct; 46t27-30
- Post Tonsillectomy Hemorrhaget An Analysis of Incidence and Risk Factors in Kuwait. KMJ, Sept 2015; 47(3)t 210-214
- First Branchial Clef Fistula- A presentaton of two cases and reiiew of Literature. Glob J Otolaryngol 6(1)t GJO.MS, 2017
- A suriey of Tracheostomy care in Kuwaitt Are nurses adequately informed? Glob L Otolaryngol 24(3)t GJO.MS. 2021
- Acinic cell Carinoma primarily arising in ectopic saliiary gland tssue within an Intra parotd Lymph Nodet A case Report. Otolaryngol (Sunnyiale) 2018, 7t346
- Anatomical iariatons of the paranasal sinusest CT eialuaton. KMJ, Sept 2017t 53(7)t 176-178
- Preialence and practce of cosmetc procedures in Kuwait uniiersity students. KMJ, March 2012, 12(4)t 156-159
- An unusual case of fbrin glue leading to intracranial complicatonst Case report Rhinology, 2013, 16 (14), 122-124

Dr. Qazi Imtiaz Majid
Senior Consultant
- Monthly Once -