Dr. Joseph T.P.
Senior Consultant
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Dr. Joseph T.P.
Senior Consultant
Prof. T.P. Joseph is a highly experienced and skilled Senior Consultant in Paediatric Surgery, with qualifications from both India and Australia, He has 42+ years of experience in the field and has worked in India, Australia and Saudi. He has conducted a series of studies, research and experiments under various scientific bodies and has many publications in national and international journals to his credit. He has also conducted research activities for Indian Council for Medical Research.
- MBBS (Calicut Medical College) Kerala University 1966.
- M.S (General Surgery) Trivandrum Medical College; Kerala University – 1969.
- M.Ch (Ped. Surgery) Trivandrum Medical College; Kerala University – 1973.
- F.R.A.C.S (Ped. Surgery); Royal Australasian College of Surgeons, Melbourne, Australia – 1976.
Work Experience
Dr. T.P. Joseph, worked as Professor of Paediatric Surgery from 1983 to 1996 in Trivandrum Medical College and Calicut Medical College. Earlier worked as Associate Professor, Assistant professor and Tutor in the Department of Paediatric Surgery in the Medical Colleges of Trivandrum and Calicut. From 1974 to 1978, worked in Paediatric Surgery in Adelaide Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, Australia and Royal Alexander Hospital for Children, Sydney, Australia. From 1996 to 2004 worked as consultant Paediatric Surgeon in Saudi Aramco Hospital, Dhahran, Saudi Arabia and Hamad Medical Centre, Doha, Qatar. From 2005, working in Baby Memorial Hospital as Senior Consultant in Paediatric Surgery and Paediatric Urology.
- Does Hemoperitoneum cause Paralytic ileus: An experimental work using rats. This study was done during 1975 77 at Adelaide Children’s Hospital, S.Australia and Royal Alexander Hospital for Children, Sydney, Australia. The Guide was late Brian Douglas, then Director of Paediatric Surgery, Adelaide Children’s Hospital, Adelaide, S. Australia. The observations of this study were presented at the Research Society meeting of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons held in Christchurch, New Zealand, in August, 1979.
- IleoCecal Valve and Intestinal hurry: An experimental study was done on puppies, by carrying out massive small bowel resection with and without removing ileocecal valve. This study was carried out at Royal Alexandra Hospital for children, Sydney, Australia, during 197778 under the guidance of Mr. Ian Reid, Paediatric Surgeon and Research Fellow of the Research Foundation.
- Operative treatment of Jejunal atresia in Lambs: Intestinal atresia was induced in lambs by ligating the mesenteric vessels inutero; at delivery, the atresia was repaired by surgery. This was done at the Royal Alexandra Hospital for children, Sydney, Australia, during 197778 under the guidance fellow of the research foundation.
- An epidemiological and clinical study of Urinary Tract Infection in Children: This study was carried out from 1981 to 1993; which was funded by the Indian Council of Medical Research. About 700 symptomatic children and 2447 asymptomatic school children were studied. Dr. Joseph was the chief investigator of this study; part of this study was published in “Indian Paediatrics” and the other part was published in “International Journal of Paediatric Surgery”.
- Clinical study of Posterior Urethral Valves: Nine hundred and ninety three infants and children were studied between 1979 and 2015. The findings of this study were presented at various conferences, such as Royal Australasian College of Surgeons meeting in Hong Kong in 1983, Urological society meeting in New Delhi, 1988, and Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeons meeting at Coimbatore in 1989. This was the Oration given at the Golden Jubilee meeting in Bombay (Mumbai) in 2015.
- Solid tumors in children, with special reference to Wilms Tumour: 94 cases were followed up on a long term basis, and this was presented at the Indian Association of Paediatric Surgeon, Annual meeting at Kodaikanal, Tamil Nadu in 1993; part of this study was published in Indian Paediatrics.
- ‘NasoTracheal intubation in infants and children’ by T.P. Joseph and R.Raman Nair,INDIAN PEDIATRICS, Vol.X,no.7,July, 1973.
- “Radiological assessment of anorectal malformation by S.Venugopal, T.P.Joseph,George Taliat and R.Raman Nair. ‘INDIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY’ vol.35,no.10 October,1973.
- ‘Congenital hypertrophic pyloric stenosis’ by T.P.Joseph and R.Raman Nair. ‘INDIAN JOURNAL of SURGERY’, Vol.36; 221,June 1974.
- ‘Hirschsprung’s Disease’ by T.P. Joseph, ‘SOUTH AUSTRALIAN CLINICS’, Vol.6, no.5,page 392, December 1974.
- ‘NasoTracheal intubation in Diphtheria’ by R. Raman Nair and T.P. Joseph. ‘JOURNAL of PEDIATRIC SURGERY’ Vol.xi, No.2, page 201, April 1975.
- ‘Therapeutic Barium enema in acute Intussusception’, by T.P. Joseph and R. Raman Nair. ‘INDIAN JOURNAL OF SURGERY’, Vol.37;1975.
- ‘The Nonoperative management of Splenic Trauma’, by T.P. Joseph, G.G. Wyllie and J.P. Savage. ‘THE AUSTRALIAN AND NEW ZEALAND JOURNAL of SURGERY’, Vol.47, no.2, page179, 1977.
- ‘Vesical diverticula in children’ by T.P. Joseph and R. Raman nair. ‘INDIAN JOURNAL of SURGERY’, Vol.39, No.4, 209212 April, 1977.
- ‘Anorectal malformations in siblings’ by T.P. Joseph and G.Taliat. ‘INDIAN JOURNAL of SURGERY’. Vol.39, No.12, page 696 December 1977.
- ‘Gastric Haemorrhage and Perforation in the newborn by T.P. Joseph. ‘AUSTRALIAN PEDIATRIC JOURNAL’, 14:180181, 1978.
- ‘Childhood Burns in South Australia’, A socialeconomic and aetiological study by T.P.Joseph and B.S. Douglas, Burns,5,335342.
- ‘Urinary tract infection in children’, part 1 by T.P. Joseph, KERALA MEDICALJOURNAL’, Vol.21,no.3,1980.
- ‘Urinary Tract Infection in Children’, Part 2 by T.P. Joseph, ‘KERALA MEDICAL JOURNAL’, Vol.22, No.4,1980.
- ‘Solid Malignant Tumors in Childhood’, by K.V. Venugopal, T.P. Joseph and K.K.Varma. ‘INDIAN PEDIATRICS’, Vol.18,365368, June 1981.
- ‘Abdominal emergencies in Childhood’ by T.P. Joseph, ‘KERALA MEDICAL JOURNAL’, Vol.22,no.3, 7176, 1981.
- ‘Results in Childhood Malignancies’ An Indian Challenge; by Rex Thomas, T.P. Joseph et al. SURGICAL JOURNAL OF NORTH INDIA, Vol.2, No.2, 243245, 1985.
- ‘Esophageal Atresia’ – A six year experience’, by Jacob Chacko, T.P. Joseph and K.K.Varma. KERALA MEDICAL JOURNAL, Vol.28, No.10, 7375, 1987.
- ‘Pattern of incidence of Anorectal malformation in tropics’. ANNALS OF PEDIATRIC SURGERY’, R.R. VARMA AND T.P. JOSEPH et al, 1982.
- ‘Asymptomatic Bacteriuria in school children’, by T.P. Joseph and M.I. Sreekumaran.‘INDIAN JOURNAL of PAEDIATRICS’, Vol.56, No.1,121123,1989.
- ‘Acute Intestinal Obstruction’ by V.K. Gopi, T.P. Joseph and K.K. Varma. ‘INDIAN PEDIATRICS’, Vol.26, 525530, 1989.
- ‘Ultrasonography in conjugated bilirubinemia’ by V.K. Gopi, T.P. Joseph and K.K.Varma. ‘INDIAN PEDIATRICS’, Vol.26; 723725,1989.
- ‘Circumcision in children’ by T.P. Joseph. ‘THE INDIAN JOURNAL of PEDIATRICS’, Vol.57, no.3,288290,1990.
- Calicut Medical College Alumni Gold Medal and Oration, 1989 at Calicut.
- Prof. Raghavachari Memorial Gold Medal and Oration in 1993 by Association of Surgeons of India at Alleppey.
- Prof. Ashirwad Memorial Gold Medal and Oration at Madurai in 1995.
- Prof. M.S. Ramakrishnan Memorial Gold Medal and Oration by Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons at Mumbai in 2015.
- Prof. N. Mohandas Memorial Gold Medal and Oration by Association of Surgeons of India at Calicut in 2009.
- Prof. R. Raman Nair Memorial Gold Medal and Oration in 2016, by Indian Association of Pediatric Surgeons at Vythiri, Kerala.
- British Council Research award to participate in Neonatal Surgery Workshop in Liverpool/London, UK in 1983.
- Royal Australasian College of Surgeon Research award to participate and give a lecture at their annual conference in Hong Kong, 1983.

Dr. Joseph T.P.
Senior Consultant
OP Days and Timings
- Mon 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM
- Wed 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM
- Fri 10:30 AM - 12:30 PM