Out Patient Services
Before you visit
You may call our number 0497 2825 555 for enquires.
Booking appointment for doctors
We recommend you book in advance whenever possible while consulting a doctor. You may book in advance using one of the below channels.
- Telephone – Call 0497 2829 555 / 9497 825 555 – Available round the clock for immediate confirmation.
- Teleconsultation – Video Consultation
What to bring on your first visit
Government issued ID proof, referral letter if any, ESI/ECHS letter if applicable, Registration card (if you have visited BMH earlier)
How to reach Address / map
Chala Bypass, Nadal, Kannur-670007, Kerala, India
Sufficient Area
After you reach
You may contact one of the counters to register. If you have already visited the hospital, they will help you retrieve your UHID ( Unique Hospital Identification ) number.
Wheelchair and trolley services
Wheelchairs are available at the entrance. Once you reach, the Attendants shall provide the wheelchair or trolley according to your needs and take you safely to the required destination as per your request. During your process of consultation, if you need the service, you may contact the Customer Relations Executive posted in OP areas or the OP Attendant at the OPD or Customer Relations Department.
Payment can be made at any of the billing counters and after which you can proceed to the doctor's OPD. Billing counters are spread across the hospital for your convenience.
Payment Modes
BMH accepts all major debit and credit cards, UPI (Unified Payment Interface)
Queue Management System
Once you have checked in and have reached outside the doctor's OP, your booking time ( in case you have an appointment ) or token number ( in case you have checked in as a walk in ) would flash on the QMS TV placed outside, indicating that the doctor is ready to see you.