

BMH KANNUR Centre for ENDOCRINOLOGY AND DIABETES is one of the full-fledged endocrinology centre in the state of Kerala and provides advanced care for diabetes mellitus as well as complex endocrine diseases. There are full facilities for the investigation and treatment of endocrine problems in adult, paediatric, and adolescent patients and all the complications of diabetes. The Centre consists of a dedicated and well-qualified SENIOR ENDOCRINOLOGY AND DIABETES SPECIALIST trained in diabetic foot management, insulin pump therapy, advanced obesity management, thyroid cancer, sex hormone & other hormonal issues along with a team of diabetic fellowship trainees, diabetic educators, physiotherapists, psychologists, podiatry assistants, medical social workers, dieticians and support nursing, administrative and research staff provide updated advanced treatment at affordable cost.

Panel of Doctors

Services & Facilities

  • Fully automated electrochemiluminescent hormone analysis system.
  • Dynamic Endocrine Testing for Diagnosis of Endocrine Disorders.
  • Comprehensive Diabetic Health Checkup.
  • Specialized Diabetes Education and Dietary Department.
  • Podiatry Clinic.
  • Diabetes.
  • The Diabetes Care Programme provides early diagnosis, evaluation, intensive management and prevention of diabetes related complications like Retinopathy, Nephropathy, Neuropathy and Ischaemic Heart Disease. It also offers Management of gestational diabetes.Thyroid Disorders.
    • Treatment of hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism and nodular goiters.
  • Growth and Pubertal Disorders.
    • Short stature in children.
    • Precocious puberty.
    • Delayed puberty.
    • Ambiguous genitalia (male and female pseudohermaphroditism).
  • Adrenal disorders.
    • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia.
    • Cushings syndrome.
    • Addisons disease.
    • Adrenal masses and endocrine hypertension.
  • Pituitary disorders.
    • Pituitary adenomas.
    • Cushings disease.
    • Acromegaly and gigantism.
    • Hypopituitary states.
    • Diabetes insipidus.
  • Female Endocrine disorders.
    • Primary amenorrhea and Turners Syndrome
    • Galactorrhea (Milky Breast Discharge).
    • PolyCystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS), Irregular menses, Acne.
    • Hirsutism (excess hair growth).
  • Male endocrine disorders
    • Hypogonadism.
    • Klinfelter’s syndrome
    • Kallmann’s syndrome
  • Bone and mineral disorders
    • Rickets, Osteomalacia.
    • Hypo and hyperparathyroidism
    • Osteoporosis.
  • Obesity and Lipid disorders
    • Hormonal evaluation of Childhood and Adult Obesity, Hyperlipidemic states, insulin resistance syndromes.
  • Diabetic Foot Care Program and Vascular ClinicThe Department of Endocrinology at BMH KANNUR is the most comprehensive one stop centre for the evaluation, treatment and rehabilitation of preventive and therapeutic aspects of diabetic foot. The diabetic foot division of the Department of Endocrinology is fully equipped with the most modern equipment to assess the function of nerves and blood vessels of foot. The department provides all services under one roof, including special customized foot wear. Under foot care programme we carry out reconstructive surgery in deformed diabetic foot –an emerging strategy for preventing diabetic foot-related amputations.
  • Comprehensive Diabetes CareAlong with routine out-patient based care of diabetic patient, the department has a complete diabetic care programme, focused on providing an annual and quarterly diabetes check up to patients. Diabetes is known as a silent killer, and if left untreated, can cause kidney, nerve, eye, heart and foot problems. The annual checkup assesses the degree of glucose control and also measures the presence of diabetic complications. If detected early, many of these complications can be treated, and progression can be stopped.
  • Thyroid Cancer Care ClinicScreening and early intervention related to thyroid swelling, nodules with risk.
  • Paediatric and Adolescent Endocrine ClinicThis clinic provides specialized care for children and adolescents with growth disorders, early or delayed puberty, thyroid diseases, bone diseases, TYPE 1 & 2 diabetes, PCOD, excess hair growth, hair fall or other endocrine disorders.
  • Bone ClinicMetabolic bone diseases are a relatively less-recognized aspect of endocrinology. These diseases include osteoporosis (an age and menopause-related thinning of bones), osteomalacia (weakening of bones due to vitamin D deficiency), hyperparathyroidisrn (a disease with bone pains and kidney stones, caused by excess parathyroid hormone levels resulting in dangerously high calcium levels in blood) and other complex bone diseases. The Centre has the best SENIOR ENDOCRINOLOGIST to investigate with advanced equipment and manage complex issues related to bones, such as unexplained bone pains and early onset fractures.
  • Obesity ClinicA common example of an under-treated endocrine disease is obesity. In this regard, BMH KANNUR has started a multidisciplinary obesity clinic. The clinic is conducted primarily by the endocrinology team, in coordination with the departments of Gastrointestinal Surgery and Plastic Surgery. In addition to hormonal assessment of obesity, our centre also has state-of-the-art facilities for body fat assessments, preoperative assessments and postoperative follow up for obesity patients. We have a comprehensive medical nutrition programme, exercise counselling, ADVANCED MEDICAL THERAPY and plastic surgery, as well as bariatric procedures for obesity.
  • Lipid Clinic, Hypertension, and Adrenal ClinicThis Clinic is devoted exclusively to treating patients with difficult to control high cholesterol and high triglyceride levels, hypertension especially in young patients and issues related to adrenals.