Dr. C Ravindran
Dr C Ravindran, MD, DTCD, MBA (HRM) has good experience as a medical teacher and guide, after working 35 years in various medical schools. He also has worked as an administrator and manager in Govt. owned institutions. He is a reputed teacher and senior consultant in Pulmonology. He is well known to his peers, colleagues and students. With his experience in teaching and his desire to improve academics, he will be looking after the BMH academy and ensuring the quality and standards of medical education. He will be taking care of the scientific research activities of BMH. Scientific research, publications, conferences, in-hospital medical teaching, continuous medical training, and education represent essential tools in this context
Dr Ravindran is very keen in issues related to professionalism, fairness, quality of care, patient satisfaction and medical teaching. He knows that institutional healthcare quality is closely related to the administrator’s efficiency and deficiency. He is interested in ensuring supervision and improvement of the institutional healthcare system. His values are mutual respect, fairness, integrity, responsibility, mindfulness, and professionalism.
Dr Ravindran has plan for a continuous quality improvement program, which allows monitoring and evaluation of the activities of each medical unit and to help improving individual staff performance. With his knowledge in human resource management, Dr Ravindran ensures satisfactory collaboration between physicians, nurses, paramedics and other workforce in the hospital. He always believes in management by participation.
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